Meet Sharon Pearson
By perfecting the Ultimate Framework for Success Sharon has achieved outstanding sales results,
outperforming her peers and keenly placing her within the top consultants and sales educators worldwide.
Her personal conversion rate both on the phone, from a stage and face-to-face far exceed
all industry benchmarks and set new standards for what’s possible.
Ultimate Influence. Designed by Sharon to achieve results.
More Sales. More Clients. More Profit.
Sharon is the creator of the ultimate framework for results, Meta DynamicsTM and has invested the last 11 years in studying and applying the best sales conversion strategies available. Her conversion rate sits at around 30% on inbound cold leads.
Sharon’s experience stems from high performance coaching and a passion for leadership development. As a highly successful business coach Sharon is renowned for her direct approach and tough conversations. Sharon consistently achieves results working with some of the most challenging companies, transforming not only their bottom line but also creating a performance culture.
Sharon’s own company, The Coaching Institute has been successfully enrolling and training coaches, facilitators and business owners for more than a decade. Her continued success rests on her ability to train and mentor a highly motivated and disciplined sales team that uses the ultimate framework for success, Meta Dynamics and the 8 Step “Ultimate Influence” system.
This system is helping businesses to break away from mediocre sales. It’s inspiring teams to earn higher commissions. It’s setting benchmarks for passionate successful sales teams.
Replicate results by training your team in this dedicated framework. Benchmark results and provide instant feedback.
Sell in any opportunity at any price point. Sharon’s results spread consulting, stage and telephone sales.
Stand out in the market. Do things differently and give your clients the confidence they need to buy.